Chris Hammond
Emma, illustrated by C. Hammond, 1898
Dedicatoria: March, 26 1900.
Emma, London , George Allen 1898
Frontispiece: «He did not omit being sometimes directly before Miss Smith or speaking to those close to he.»
Cabecera del capítulo I
«Ah! poor Miss Taylor! `tis a sad business.»
«She was so busy admiring those soft blue eyes.»
«Soon made her quiqck eye sufficiently acquainted with Mr Robert Martin.»
«But ther was no doing anything with Mr. Elton figeting behind her.»
«Emma waited the result with impatience.»
«He stood up in tall indignation.»
«The lovers were standing together at one of the windows.»
«Little Emma, grow up a better woman than your aunt.»
«She could only give him a look; but it was such a look as she thought must restore him to his senses.»
«He can sit down and write a fine flourishing letter.»
«Emma was obliged to play.»
«I was sitting near the door – Elizabeth saw me directly; but he did not.»
«He was presented to her.»
«Having his hair cut.»
«As soon as she entered the room, had been struck by the sight of pianoforte.»
«How is Miss Fairfax? I hope she caught no cold last night.»
«My regard for Hartfield is most warm- He stopped again, rose again, and seemed quite embarrassed.»
«And who do you think came in while we were ther?…Knightley» – continued Mrs. Elton.»
«My dear, did you change your stockings?»
«Oh! Mrs. Stokes – said I -but I had no time for more.»
«Frank Churchill, with Harriet leaning on his arm -actually Harriet!»
«Emma was extremely confused.»
«Ladies and gentlemen, I am ordered by Miss Woodhouse… to say.»
«Jane Fairfax! Good God! You are not serious? You do not mean it?»
«Say ´No´if it is to be said – she could really say nothing.»
«When he came to Miss Woodhouse, he was obliged to read the whole of it aloud.»
«Poor man! -it was at first a considerable shock to him.»
«The wedding was very much like other weddings.»
Esta edición de Emma, publicada por George Allen en 1898 e ilustrada por Chris Hammod, cuenta con muchos más dibujos de los recogidos aquí. He reproducido solo las ilustraciones a toda página, pero a lo largo de todo el volumen, en cada principio de capítulo, hay muchos más, llegando en su totalidad a un centenar, aproximadamente. Por la complejidad que suponía subirlos todos, me he centrado solo en los principales.
Chris Hammond, la gran ilustradora de Jane Austen |
[…] Chris Hammond […]
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